[00:00:22] Early years in Kalohori and family life
[00:06:02] Moving to Kastoria to be close to high school
[00:08:00] Education and his four brothers' occupations
[00:10:10] Village life in the late 1950s and migration
[00:11:33] His uncle's migration story
[00:18:00] Memories from Kastoria in the 1950s and 1960s
[00:20:36] Moving to Kefalonia to a Royal Boarding School
[00:29:38] Events at his school around April 21, 1967
[00:36:28] The story of his migration in 1969
[00:45:42] Applying to study engineering at the U of T
[00:48:12] His first lie and getting a job in Canada
[00:49:14] Challenges faced in his first year at U of T
[00:51:58] The International Student Center and the Greeks
[00:55:30] Maintaining distance from Greek affairs and the Community
[00:57:20] Marriage and participation in a Greek soccer team
[01:01:45] Moving to York region and meeting new cultures
[01:04:37] Establishing a new Greek Community and school
[01:15:40] The Hellenic Canadian Federation in the 1980s
[01:24:21] The Hellenic Heritage Foundation in the 1990s
[01:29:16] Establishing the Hellenic studies program at York
[01:42:38] Disputes with the Greek Community and endowments
[01:54:12] Establishing scholarships and enhancing the Chair
[02:01:06] Evolution of the HHF's relationship with the U of T
[02:07:50] The second generation of the HHF
[02:10:06] The future of Greekness in Toronto