[00:00:37] Andreas Papandreou and the Cyprus issue
[00:05:40] Joining PAK and his role in public relations
[00:09:25] Dynamic resistance strategy in Toronto
[00:16:15] Third World politics and PAK
[00:18:27] Nick Skoulas’ role and receiving death threats
[00:23:02] Impact of anti-dictatorship movements
[00:24:13] Skoulas as a focal point and internal frictions
[00:27:20] Relations with the Left and KKE
[00:34:24] The restoration of the King after the Junta
[00:37:12] Events of 1974 and Karamanlis - Papandreou relations
[00:49:03] Arrival in Athens and Papandreou's strategy in 1974
[01:00:08] The election of November 17, 1974
[01:07:00] Break with PAK and continuation of studies
[01:13:05] Return to Greece and work for the government
[01:18:19] Papandreou’s visit to Washington as Prime Minister
[01:22:32] Editing an English-language magazine
[01:25:25] NATO and dissolution of Third World ideology
[01:28:28] Papandreou’s visit to Toronto and York in 1983
[01:39:24] Changes in the Greek community of Toronto