[00:00:17] Growing up in Troodos and school years in Limassol
[00:03:40] Family history and memories
[00:08:51] Migrating to Canada after the 1974 invasion
[00:11:24] The political situation and the invasion
[00:18:03] Her family's religious practices
[00:20:07] Her cousin's disappearance in 1974
[00:22:21] Her father’s sponsored migration to Canada
[00:23:36] Family split between Cyprus, Canada, & Australia
[00:28:24] Coexistence of Greek and Turkish Cypriots
[00:30:12] Settling in Kitchener among other Greek Cypriots
[00:33:24] Early struggles learning English
[00:36:40] Easing into Canadian society, but staying Cypriot
[00:39:00] Identifying as Cypriot not Greek
[00:41:33] Differences between Cypriot and Greek language
[00:42:52] Discrimination around her name from Canadians
[00:45:24] Interactions with Greeks and Cypriots
[00:47:30] Communication with friends back in Cyprus
[00:50:18] Her children's resistance to learning Greek
[00:55:25] Differences between village and city dialect
[00:58:13] Lack of interest in audiovisual preservation
[01:00:48] Photographs aiding the remembering of the past
[01:03:36] Feeling more Canadian than Cypriot
[01:08:30] Her trip to Cyprus in 2005 and her aspirations