[00:00:22] Her family’s roots
[00:04:20] Early life in Piraeus
[00:07:00] Her father's migration to the USA for 2 years
[00:08:50] Studying and working from an early age
[00:10:14] Her decision to go to Canada
[00:14:20] Going to night school in Canada to learn English
[00:16:18] Marrying her English teacher and moving to Spain
[00:20:14] Returning to Canada and working for RBC
[00:25:56] Divorcing at 27 and returning to Greece
[00:27:55] Studying at the U of T with the bank's help
[00:29:00] Greek community, church, and Greek organizations
[00:36:40] The opportunities she had in Toronto
[00:41:18] Working at the University of Piraeus from 1983
[00:46:50] How Canada affected her life
[00:49:00] School of Art in Greece
[00:50:23] Her projects in art exhibitions in Greece and abroad
[00:52:50] Working at the university
[00:55:15] How her work was affected by her life in Canada
[01:05:40] Drawing different styles from a very young age
[01:11:44] Returning to Canada for her PhD
[01:13:00] Maintaining ties to Canada
[01:18:16] Showing pictures of her art and life
[01:27:43] Relations with the Canadian Institute in Greece
[01:29:37] Adopting a Greek Canadian identity