[00:00:38] Her family in Kastoria and her childhood
[00:05:30] Jews in Kastoria and the processing of furs
[00:11:18] Migration to Canada in 1965, and Greeks in Toronto
[00:21:34] Working in a fabric factory and her coworkers
[00:27:56] Meeting her husband and her wedding
[00:38:40] Her husband’s involvement with the Greek Community
[00:40:18] Society of Kastorians and Pan-Macedonian
[00:49:54] Her husband’s migration and his work as a supplier
[00:53:33] Working in TD Bank and the fur business in Toronto
[00:56:17] Society of Kastorians and Pan-Macedonian events
[00:59:45] Miss Olympiacos and her impressions of Toronto
[01:02:51] Deciding to stay in Toronto and creating a family