[00:00:46] The Second World War and Civil War
[00:07:09] Fleeing his village to find his father
[00:15:16] Reaching Lamia and receiving help from UNRRA
[00:17:00] His father's service & death during the Civil War
[00:19:19] Return to Lychno after the Civil War
[00:21:30] & [01:05:44] Cruelty of the National Army
[00:22:57] Interactions with the "communists" in his village
[00:24:40] Life under German Occupation
[00:26:46] Describing his parents
[00:27:32] His aunt's experience in the Democratic Army
[00:33:00] His grandparents and cultivating tobacco
[00:39:14] Declaration of war and the Albanian Front
[00:46:20] Recounting how Germans burnt his home down
[00:49:01] Conflicts between guerilla fighters and police
[00:53:00] Celebrating various occasions
[00:55:12] His life in Lamia during his two-year stay
[00:52:40] His school years and receiving milk from UNRRA
[00:59:09] His father's death in a battle in 1949
[01:06:55] The similar way classmates lost their fathers
[01:09:00] Life after the Civil War, assistance from UNRRA
[01:15:15] His childhood games
[01:17:20] His move to Canada in 1963
[01:22:34] Arriving in Toronto and working in Canadian Tire
[01:24:59] His first trip back in Greece after three years
[01:25:58] Real estate endeavours
[01:31:27] Final remarks about the 1940s